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Individual Therapy

Individual therapy, Individual Counseling, and Psychotherapy, are all similar terms that refer to therapeutic work between both an individual and a trained therapist. This setting provides you an opportunity to speak to someone in confidence in a safe space.

Couples Therapy

Marriage counseling, couples counseling, or couples therapy are all similar terms that refer to therapeutic work between both partners and a trained therapy, typically with the intention of resolving conflict and strengthening the relationship.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of treatment designed to assist with issues that specifically affect families’ mental health and functioning. Family therapy can assist individual family members build stronger relationships, manage family conflict, and improve communication.

Group Therapy

We all need a safe space to talk things out. Group therapy can be that for people looking to manage a mental health condition or major life change. Group therapy involves one or more therapists working with a small group of people who all have similar issues they are looking to improve. Group therapy helps you realize you are not alone.